
segunda-feira, 30 de novembro de 2009


FWAA patch

Fort Wayne Allen County
Airport Authority

The Public Safety Department at FWACAA is unique in Indiana. This department is cross-trained with a staff of Police/Firefighters. These officers rotate duties from Fire Suppression at the station below to security, EMS and safety at the main terminal. An EMS/Quick-response vehicle is parked at the main terminal while the Crash Rigs respond from their station off the runways. During all aircraft incidents, the department is assisted by the Indiana National Guard's Fire Suppression ARFF apparatus as well.

FWAA patch
PSD Airport Station

Public Safety Department Fire Station - Fort Wayne Airport

Airport 24 - 2002 Oshkosh T-1500 with Snozzle - 1,500gal/200foam/500lb Dry Chemical
Airport 24 - 2002 Oshkosh T-1500 with Snozzle - 1,500gal/200foam/500lb Dry Chemical
Crash 24 is the newest rig in the ARFF fleet
Airport 24 - 2002 Oshkosh T-1500 with Snozzle - 1,500gal/200foam/500lb Dry Chemical

Airport 24 - 2002 Oshkosh T-1500 with Snozzle - 1,500gal/200foam/500lb Dry Chemical
24 has a pump that delivers 1000gpm through it's Snozzle brand elevating waterway.
The rig also has a 325gpm bumper turret that assists with fire suppression.

Airport 4 - 1975 Oshkosh P4 - 1500gal

Airport 4 - 1975 Oshkosh P4 - 1500gal
Airport 4 and it's twin Airport 12 respond from the runway station. These reliable and durable rigs formerly served at the
Crane Naval Base in southern Indiana before being refurbished and delivered here. These rigs are set to retire in late 2006
when they are replaced with a new Oshkosh Striker 1500.


Indiana Air National Guard
Crash Fire Rescue

The 122nd Fighter Wing is located at the Fort Wayne/Allen County International Airport. This active guard division recently spent time in Iraq protecting our troops with their F-16 squadron. Their home airfield is protected by it's own Fire Department. Full-time Guard members specially trained in fire suppression help supplement their personnel. In addition, the ARFF co-responds with the Airport Fire Department for aircraft-related incidents.


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