
sexta-feira, 29 de abril de 2011

Preço da Gasolina

Olha o valor do litro de gasolina na BR Distribuidora...

O restante são impostos, ganância dos governos, dos usineiros (que preferem lucrar com açúcar) e redes de postos.   

"É esse o preço do litro da gasolina, sem adição de etanol, vendida pela Petrobras desde 2009. Em 9 de junho daquele ano, houve redução de 4,5%. Desde então, não ocorreu mais nenhuma alteração no preço da gasolina vendida às distribuidoras na porta das refinarias.

Esse valor de R$ 1,05 remunera a Companhia em seus custos de produção, refino e logística. Sobre este preço a empresa recolhe impostos e nele também está incluída sua margem de lucro".

Informações extraídas do blog da Petrobras. Leia mais no link abaixo:


quinta-feira, 7 de abril de 2011

Leipzig Halle Airport

Airport fire service vehicles
2 Rosenbauer "Panther" FLF 14000/1000

Technical data:

Water: 12,500l

Foam unit: 1,500l

Fire-fighting powder: 1,000kg

Pump capacity : 8,000 l/min

3 Rosenbauer "Panther" FLF 11000/500

Technical data:

Water: 10,000l

Foam unit: 1,300l

Fire-fighting powder: 500kg

Pump capacity: 6,000 l/
 Universal fire engine ULF 4500/500 crane on MAN 6 x 4

Universal fire engines are used for fighting vehicle fires and in buildings at the airport. For technical assistance lifting cushions of various sizes as well as hydraulic rescue devices (spreaders/cutters) are stored in the vehicle. In this way, the fire service is in a position to conduct high as well as low level rescues.

A 12 kVA generator and a reel (5/10 KN) with a 65m-long tow rope complete the equipment.

Technical data:

Motor power: 364 PS

Water tank: 4,500l

Foam tank: 500l

Nominal rescue height: 22m

Pump capacity: 4,000l at normal pressure, 400l at high pressure

Station: Fire Station South

Lead vehicle Mercedes Benz Sprinter - ELW II

Withdrawn lead unit

2 computer-workstations with cult system

Infra-red camera with radio transmission system

Camera for improved monitoring of operation area

Management system "Sachsen"

Power: 95 kW

Station: Fire Station South

Logistics equipment vehicle

A vehicle for transporting materials in mesh boxes (pumping equipment, binding material, flow control technology) and fire extinguishing containers as well as the daily transport of equipment etc. between fire stations.

Technical data:

Production year 2005

Cubic capacity 4,580 cu.cm

Chassis: MAN L 2000

Assembly: GFG Halle/Saale

Tail lift: MBB 1000

MAN-V rescue container

Equipped to erect a triage, caring for 32 casualties


3 petrol generators

5 rescue tents

5 container units type 4

10 paramedic rucksacks

24 oxygen bottles

45 stretchers

Stretcher supports

Transfusion stands

Compressor for lighting tower

Trolley with Sirius rescue blankets and disposable sheets

Disposable medical gowns, chemical protection clothing

Body bags

Tent heating units with 2 warm air hoses

Bandages Freezer, refrigerator

Vacuum matresses

Breathing protection "Breathe Easy"

Dekon-P equipment

Scoop strechers

Station: Fire Station South

Variable loader

Basic vehicle for the MAN-V and hose container

Power: 209 kW

Station: Fire Station South

Small fire engine Mercedes Vito 114

For extensive fire-fighting in single levels of a multi-story parking garage, usable as a mobile section leader.

Technical data:

Motor power: 141 PS

High pressure extinguishing system: 250 bar

Water tank: 125l

Production year: 1999

4 hydraulic vehicle wheel lifts "GOJAK" 6000

Load bearing capacity : 550kg each

High power fans TYPHOON 21W10

High pressure extinguishing system: HDL 250

Power generator: 2.2 kVA

Management systems, fax and mobile telephone

Station: Fire Station North

Airfield fire engine “Pegasus”

With the introduction to service of the large new fire engine “Pegasus”, the airport fire service fleet has been extended to a total of six vehicles, which can employ both water and foam. Consequently the requirements of the international civil aviation authorities (ICAO) with regard to the operational start of the DHL freight hub in 2008 have been fulfilled.

The special feature of this fire engine is its foam unit “One Seven”. Thanks to a special high pressure process, seven foam bubbles are produced from each drop of water. This process spares resources, gives the foam a high cling factor and prevents water damage as a result of fire extinguishing activities.

The name “Pegasus” comes from the project title of the DHL establishment.

Technical data:

Motor power: 1,000 PS

Light mast height: 6m

Production year: 1999

Water tank: 12,500l

Foam tank: 2 x 750l, 1 x 150l “One Seven”

Rapid deployment: right 80m high-pressure extinguishing unit, left 60m »One Seven«

Normal pressure pumps: 8,000 l/min at 10 bar

High pressure pumps: 300 l/min at 40 bar

Roof monitor: 6,000 l/min – projection distance 80m

Front monitor: 1,900 l/min – projection distance 50m

Self-protection equipment: 10 ground spray jets with 140 l/min each

Power generator: 9 kVA

Station: Fire Station South


Transport for part-time fire service to operation area


4 compressed air breathers

Small fire-fighting appliances

Power: 45 kW

Station: Fire Station South


Airport fire engine

3D model of an Airport fire engine from New York

Mesa Fire

Mesa Fire Department Foam 208.

Airport fire truck.

Flyng China Man

Flyng China Man

Phu Cat Airport Fire Fighting Truck
